
京奧開幕式, 完全有滿城盡帶黃金甲後現代京奧威力加強版feel.
說真的, 四大發明的表現本身的確十分有創意, 而且做出來也很賞心悅目, 不過從當時在場的運動員來看, 當時的場館其實相當之熱, 個個都要滿頭大汗地看開幕. 雖然也很希望中國在今年的奧運之中取得史上最多的金牌, 但是其實本身令次京奧明顯己經勝過以往多次的奧運開幕禮了.
當李寧用香港電影史上最大發明--威也, 吊上半空點聖火時, 的確十分特別, 但是我個人來看就好像有點浮誇了. 雖然有人認為浮誇是我國國情, 搞奧運怎能內歛呢?

無論怎樣, facebook 的人很快就可以bt 開幕式來看.

以下是我在facebook 收到的message:

Hey all,

First, I must apolozied that I just found the LIVE-BROADCAST for the Olympics Opening a couple hours ago , 20 minutes after the pm I sent you at 7:59AM.

Yet, there is no way, for most of you able to use it since it's in chinese and I am away from my home at that movement.

Secondly, here is the release from our admin of tvbnow.com who had recorded the opening for us.

So here are the links to download the high-HD-Quality .

This is a BT Version.
If you don't know chinese, please download it via the following link


yet, you still need, either a Bitcomet or Flashget in order to download the file.

It's about 1.17GB for each part.

This is the first part :
開幕前表演 + 開幕倒數+煙花 + 開幕慶典表演(四大發明) (2小時)]
(The Pre-Opening performance + the Count-down + the Opening performance) total is 2 hours.

Of course, you may wait until 7:30 for the NBC to re-cap the full show.

I must not deny it and I must be proud for being a Chinese. This is the greatest and the best Opening. I am sure all of you will be amaze when you finish it.

Once again, if you want to keep up the update, you may either go to http://os.tvbnow.com/viewthread.php?tid=417823
Wait for my next PM. Our admin and BT Staff will continue to work hard to get the other release to be done within a day.

Thank you very much.

Any question just send me a reply.

John Wong

